PLUS Short Date Sale – 25% off lots of flavours! 🤑

Don’t Over-Egg It this Easter!
It’s the final week to order our Easter Taster Boxes – perfect for if you want something a bit special and different as a gift! These are freshly made and feature a double dose of our limited edition Mini Egg Crunch (dairy edition) or Choc Heaven (vegan edition) plus alllll the chocolate fudges (well it is Easter!)
You can also get your hands on our Mini Egg Crunch as a wrapped 150g Slab – available only for Easter! White and milk chocolate fudges marbled together with mini egg crunch topping 😍
Order by Wednesday 2pm for guaranteed delivery before Easter Sunday via Tracked 48, or Thursday 2pm for Tracked 24.
Short Date Sale is BACK! 💥
It’s been ages but we’ve finally got some excess stock which we’ve just price-slashed to £2.80 – that’s 25% off. Most still has 3-4 weeks on the best before, so it’s a great time to grab some bargains!
Rum & Raisin, Cookies & Cream, Cherry, Raspberry & White Choc, Tiger Butter, White Choc, Maple & Walnut, Rocky Road,
Choc Toffee, Bis Scoff
Vegan Rum & Raisin, vegan Bis Scoff, vegan Lemon Cheesecake, vegan Tiger Butter, vegan Maple & Walnut
Jump in quick if there’s flavours you fancy as many of them are just a few Slabs! 🏃🏻♂️💨