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Slab Fudge at Taste of the South, Poole

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

We had an absolutely fantastic weekend at Taste of the South in Poole. This was our first foray onto the mainland with Slab, so we had to cram as much fudge as humanly possible into the car, travel over The Solent and see if our fudge cut the mustard over on the big isle? Well, I am pleased to report that it seemed to go down very well and we would love to return to this event again in the future. Here’s to hopefully many more trips spreading some Slab love across the country!

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

The fudge queen preparing for action.

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

The Slab stall all set up.

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

Limited edition flavours made specially for the event!

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

All teched-out with our card reader.

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

Slab Artisan Fudge - Taste of the South, Poole

If you missed the event, remember you can always buy yourself some Slabs online here – Shop

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Slab Artisan Fudge Events – Bank Holiday

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ The Anchor 6

I Love Wight Food Market – Brading 29/04/17

The first event Slab attended this weekend was the second I Love Wight Food Market in Brading, held every last Saturday of the month. Again, we had an amazing day at this exciting new monthly event which really seems to be going from strength to strength. A fabulous new event for the Isle of Wight!

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ I Love Wight Market April 1

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ I Love Wight Market April 2

The Garden Party at The Anchor – Cowes 01/05/17

And the second event Slab attended in what was a very busy weekend, at The Anchor in Cowes. An excellent day at The Garden Party to celebrate the official opening of The Mermaid Gin Bar. Slab enjoyed the festivities at what is a local haunt for us, and it was great to be a part of the fun!

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ The Anchor 2

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ The Anchor 4

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ The Anchor 3

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ The Anchor 1

Slab Artisan Fudge Stall @ The Anchor 5

If you missed out on the events – you can always buy some Slab Artisan Fudge online here.

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Slab Artisan Fudge Event @ I Love Wight Market, Brading 25/03/17

Slab Fudge Event @ I Love Wight Market, Brading 25/03/17

First Slab Event!

Slab attended it’s first event of the season yesterday, the fabulous I Love Wight Market in Brading. We loved meeting all of the other traders and punters alike. And if you missed it yesterday, it is being held on the last Saturday of every month throughout the season. So there are plenty more chances to catch it. A great new event for the island!

Slab Fudge Event @ I Love Wight Market, Brading 25/03/17

Slab Fudge Event @ I Love Wight Market, Brading 25/03/17

Slab Fudge Event @ I Love Wight Market, Brading 25/03/17